Friday, February 14, 2014

Kale, More Health Food Stores in Europe And A Post By Kimberly Snyder

Have you heard the commotion over kale?  I have been warned to limit the kale I put in my smoothies because of the harmful effects on the thyroid.  I really didn't have any opinion on the topic when I was given the firm admonition but I was definitely intrigued.  I generally try to rotate the greens I put into my smoothies and think that everyone should.  I believe any good thing in excess can be potentially harmful, but I was curious to know if there were any differing opinions.  I have recently seen some interesting opposition. Green Smoothie Girl, Robyn Openshaw has an article worth reading.  Here is one by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.  Celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder also posted a good article.  A good rule of thumb to follow in eating plant foods is to try to include as many colors as the rainbow.  Colorful is always key.  Try the odd vegetable that you aren't used to eating much.  This requires for me to do a little homework.  I picked up some watercress and I didn't really know what to do with it so I got online and looked up some watercress salad recipes.  I have to admit that I haven't had the salad twice but I'm willing to try it again with a different recipe.  After reading the articles in this post, the concern that kale can affect thyroid function is bunk to me.  I will not in any way curtail my consumption of it because it tops the list of the most nutrient dense foods.

More Health Food Stores in Europe

I had intended to give a more thorough list of health food stores in Europe but found the task daunting, especially with the language barrier.  I met a sweet Adventist lady in Italy who graciously agreed to email me some at a later date.  Here are the sources she provided.  Here is one in Torre Pelice, a town located in the Italian Alps.  This is a chain of stores located in France.  Here is another chain based in France with one store that is close in proximity to Geneva, Switzerland.  Thank you so much Danielle!  (I honestly regret not knowing more languages!  I could have had more success with providing a better list if I did!)

A post by Kimberly Snyder

My last post was on colon health.  I read this post by Kimberly Snyder and thought it was very good although the title made me chuckle.  Skin is skin is skin and everyone should try to avoid chemicals in body care products whether a man or a woman.  But the sight of a man with cucumber slices on his eyes was a little funny to me.  Sorry!  What I wanted to point out is that at the bottom of tip #5, one of her recommendations was to have a colon cleanse. An unhealthy colon can affect so many areas of the body, including your skin.  I generally believe that colonics are helpful in reversing cancer, detoxification and other major disorders, but in this article, Kimberly recommends it to improve appearance.  Not a bad idea if you ask me.  Don't forget, you can always use herbs (taken orally) to cleanse the colon.

Spring is just weeks away!

We are digging our way out of the snow here in Maryland.  I get cabin fever easily but found the sunshine to be so uplifting today.  I put on my boots  and went for my daily walk with my dog and completely reveled in it. The birds were singing and I saw my first robin of the season.  It doesn't take much for me to feel like I'm walking on clouds.  Just give me a little sunshine and the beauty of nature and I'm flying!

Have a great day!