I love, love, love Chris Wark's blog! He shares so much amazing information! It's such a shame that the conversation of reversing cancer naturally is one that flows in the undercurrent and is so far from being mainstream. Before I fall off the radar, I wanted to share a documentary, "The Cause is the Cure" that relates the testimonials of five people who reversed their cancer without chemo or radiation. Chris Wark was asked to share it far and wide. I also wanted to help spread the word. Here is a great video by Maximized Living that you should watch which features the book Cancer Killers. You can also get more information about Maximized Living from their website. The cure is so basic, so easy and sadly has been purposefully hidden from view. Here is Chris Wark's post on the documentary, "The Cause is the Cure". Be sure to watch it on October 5!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Fighting Cancer With Food, Pink Ribbons Inc. and a New World Record by Vegan Athlete Patrick Baboumian
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Vegan Athlete Patrick Baboumian |
I have been very emphatic in this blog on how we have more control over cancer than we think. We can change how hospitable our bodies are to cancer by the food we eat, the chemicals we expose ourselves to and the positive or negative thoughts we have. I wanted to bring a very interesting lecture to your attention. Roots Market in Olney, MD will be hosting a program titled,"Fighting Cancer with Food". It will take place on Monday October 21st. You can find more detailed information here.
There is also a documentary titled,"Pink Ribbons, Inc." which is an expose on this seemingly humanitarian fund raising event. You can view it here on Chris Wark's latest blog post.
Power Vegan Athlete Patrick Baboumian
I can't tell you how many times I encounter crazy biases against a plant based diet. I remember one woman who heard about the way I eat and she said in response, is her hair falling out? People with zero knowledge about nutrition are usually the most outspoken. The idea that there is no possible way to be healthy without eating meat is so pervasive that it sometimes drives me a little crazy. Truth, studies and science be told, the healthiest most longest lived people in the world thrive on a plant based diet. And no, vegans are not a bunch of weak waifs!
I absolutely loved an email I received about vegan athlete, Patrick Baboumian. He recently carried the most weight ever and broke the world record for most weight carried for 10 meters. You can read the article here.
October Hiatus
I will have very limited internet access for the month of October. I hope to post but I can't make any promises. I'm not falling off the face of the Earth and I'll tell you all about it when I get the chance! Happy October!
Have a great Day!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Healing Spiritually
In God We Trust is written on our dollar bill, but in this age of political correctness the mention of anything spiritual can lead to ruffled feathers, offending folks with sparks and words flying left and right. If I followed Buddha, I don't think many would have a problem with that. If I discussed an experience of sheer ecstasy over achieving nirvana, I think many would just accept it without complaint. My desire to share my spiritual experience is not to offend anyone. That's the last thing I want to do. I believe in the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit and it is in that vein that I share this post. To me, the message of health and healing just wouldn't be complete if I didn't touch upon this topic at least once. If this topic doesn't interest you, feel free to skip this post.
Every morning when I wake up I have a very special routine. I begin my day by spending a half hour in prayer and the study of the Bible. (I have a neat Bible app that makes this convenient and doable.) Take this time away from me and you might as well take away the air that I breathe. I depend on it and enjoy it like you just cannot imagine. Scripture reading challenges my brain like no other book I have ever read, yet it has the most simple principles that are so easy to grasp. Scripture provides a soothing balm for my soul when I ache. I have been to hell and back a few times and in moments when I felt like I was drowning in the problems of life and struggling for the next breath, I learned to lean on prayer and scripture reading. By doing this simple routine I found peace, hope and strength to just keep going. During sunnier times of my life it has provided me with a wellspring of vitality and joy for living. I do not place myself on a pedestal and by no means consider myself perfect. I have character flaws to boot- just ask my family. I learn from Scripture to never judge others but on the contrary to always show kindness and love. My daily half hour has given me the strong desire to walk the high road and do the right thing even if it hurts. Why do I share this? My heart bleeds when I see people furiously spinning their wheels looking for happiness. Maybe they'll find it in the next pay grade, relationship or toy, but somehow they always seem to come up empty. I have found out that peace, hope, strength, and dare I say joy? - Yes! To overflowing! - is available irrespective of the less than desirable circumstances of life. If you want to read more about this radical and seemingly upside-down way to a full and satisfying life, you must read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I believe in spiritual healing. I have found that it is the only thing that truly and genuinely satisfies me.
"He who seeks his life will lose it; and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 10:39
Have a great day!
Friday, September 13, 2013
The Medicinal Properties of Charcoal
I would like to share with you a valuable resource. Go Healthy for Good is a program on the Hope Channel that features natural remedies from time to time. Dr. Nerida McKibben, MD is the host and her husband Daniel McKibben, CMT participates on occasion. My children were involved with the filming on some of these programs.
The Medicinal Properties of Charcoal
When I attended the Natural Remedies and Hydrotherapy Workshop at Andrews University in Michigan last summer, I was already familiar with the use of hydrotherapy and herbs. However, I was totally blown away by the lecture on charcoal. I had little experience with it and had no idea what charcoal was capable of. Why it isn't used more for problems like brown recluse spider bites is beyond me. I believe every household should have some (both in tablet and powder form) around at all times in case of some emergency. Charcoal or charred, blackened, powdered wood is an absolutely powerful product of nature. Being familiar with it and how to use it can mean the difference between life and death in certain situations.
Becoming Acquainted with Charcoal as a Natural Remedy
Absorptions is something that is familiar to most of us. What a sponge does to water is called absorption. Adsorption is what a magnet does to iron. Charcoal's star power is it's ability to adsorb and neutralize all kinds of toxins and poisons. In 1830 a pharmacist, P.F. Touery, set out to prove to himself and others that charcoal was indeed a powerful adsorbent and did something that was pretty daring if you ask me! He swallowed strychnine, 10 times the lethal dose, mixed with charcoal. He suffered no ill effect from this experiment. Charcoal is very porous, and looks like a sponge under a microscope. It is this endless surface area that makes it able to adsorb so much toxicity. Home made charcoal, which is not activated, has spots where it will not adsorb. Activated charcoal on the other hand has had these spots removed making it even more effective. Therefore, the best quality charcoal is activated charcoal. Inactivated charcoal is still very effective and should not be disregarded in an emergency.
The following is excerpted with permission from Home Remedies Manual by Harold Cherne MD and Daniel Mckibben CMT
"Charcoal will adsorb gases, solids, liquid, bacteria, viruses, bacterial toxins, hormones, products of wound secretions, carcinogens and... will reduce swelling by taking up excess tissue fluid and products of allergies.
Internal Indications: Flatulence, nausea, colic, jaundice (The need for exchange transfusion in babies with jaundice has been cut by more than 90% with the use of charcoal.), Crohns, IBS, Ulcerative colitis and peptic ulcers...Prostatitis, Colostomy odor, poisons, food poisoning, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, sore throat, toothpaste, toothache, bad breath, bacteria and viruses.
Will adsorb: tylenol, aspirin, opium, cocaine, amphetamines, phenobarbital, lead, DDT, hemlock, mercury, chlorine, pesticides, penicillin, kerosene, radioactive substances and cobra venom just to name a few."
External uses include: Gangrene, infections, spider bites including the brown recluse, snake bites, bee stings, mosquito bites, poison ivy and other poisonous plants. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
A Few Facts to Consider
As a side note, you may need to consider the fact that drugs are adsorbed by charcoal, including birth control pills. Take proper precautions and don't blame me if you get pregnant from taking charcoal! Food can interfere with charcoal's effectiveness. Charcoal is messy and becomes airborne in a black cloud from the slightest disturbance. It also can stain fabric very readily. Internally, charcoal must be taken with water as a slurry. Please note that over time it can cause constipation. Use charcoal only when necessary. Extended use can make your body accustomed to it, thereby losing it's effectiveness. Externally it can be made into a paste or poultice. Start with powdered charcoal and add water to a yogurt consistency. Add some flax meal to the paste so that it can retain moisture for a longer period of time. Please note, If placed on open wounds, tatooing will occur. My suggestion is for you to pick up a couple of books to read up on the uses, indications and contraindications of charcoal more thoroughly.
Suggested Books
The first book I suggest is Charcoal Remedies.com - The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal and It's Applications by John Dinsley. This book is available on Amazon.
This book reads more like a novel and chronicles the experiences of the author and his amazing stories helping people with the use of charcoal. As the title of the book suggests, he also has a website where people have submitted their testimonials with the use of charcoal. Check it out here.
The second book I recommend is by Agatha Thrash, MD and Calvin Thrash, MD. Charcoal - Startling New Facts About the World's Most Powerful Adsorbent. Available at the Potomac Adventist Book and Health Food Store.
Finally, I also recommend the manual from which I excerpted. Home Remedies Manual - Treatments for Arthritis to Herpes Zoster (A to Z) Using Water, Herbs, Stretching Exercises (Similar to Chiropractic), Massage and Common Sence By Harold Cherne MD and Daniel McKibben CMT
This manual is available from the Potomac Adventist Book and Health Food Store.
Make Your Own Charcoal at Home
Make Your Own Charcoal at Home
Making your own charcoal at home is not complicated. It's just burned wood. But there are some steps that make the process more effective. In this link, you will find instructions on how make your own charcoal at home. Harder wood such as Oak or Manzanita does make for better charcoal, but make sure to use untreated wood. Charcoal briquettes for grilling are not to be used medicinally. Store your charcoal in a food pantry in an air tight container. If you happen to store it with other chemicals, it will adsorb the chemicals in the air. Most definitely not what you want.
I like the secure feeling of knowing that I won't be helpless in certain situations. If, God forbid, all hell were to break loose and hospitals were unable to help me, I have an extensive reliable list of home remedies to rely on - just in case.
Have a great day!
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