I love, love, love Chris Wark's blog! He shares so much amazing information! It's such a shame that the conversation of reversing cancer naturally is one that flows in the undercurrent and is so far from being mainstream. Before I fall off the radar, I wanted to share a documentary, "The Cause is the Cure" that relates the testimonials of five people who reversed their cancer without chemo or radiation. Chris Wark was asked to share it far and wide. I also wanted to help spread the word. Here is a great video by Maximized Living that you should watch which features the book Cancer Killers. You can also get more information about Maximized Living from their website. The cure is so basic, so easy and sadly has been purposefully hidden from view. Here is Chris Wark's post on the documentary, "The Cause is the Cure". Be sure to watch it on October 5!